Annual Report


Click on the following link to download the full version of the Oscar Sandwell Annual Report 2015.16

This past year has again been one of change, utilising our centre to encourage wider usage, building on our status as an Open College Network West Midlands Accredited centre and developing courses for the local community.

Change has also been in the form of Reviews from one of our statutory funders and this has meant a big change in staffing levels (a reduction).  OSCAR Sandwell has continued to work hard to keep a level of core services running and centre open as usual.  This has meant we are looking at ways to sustain our work and services into the medium to long term future, so our own reviewing and action planning will have and will continue to take place.

Overall we have continued to rise to the challenge and have committed to keep the focus on our clients, carers and all of our stakeholders.

We would like to thank all members for their valued time and contribution and hope that they will be able to continue doing so in the future.

We take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank all of our partners and sponsors for their contribution throughout this year and look forward to even stronger partnership as we look forward to 2016-2017.

I would like to thank Board members, staff, volunteers and members at OSCAR Sandwell for all of your support during this time.

Sharon Wilson, Chairperson (until Jan 2017)